
Healing can be ugly, it can be beautiful and many other things. I feel like I’ve been trying to heal myself on a serious level for about ten years. Self salvation transforms every time something major occurs in your life. What once worked - now may not. I used to kick and complain through healing. I would use self doubt, pity and all of the other “blamey” actions that get you nowhere. As toxic and counterproductive as my actions were - they made me feel better in the moment. With time and maturity, I realized I wanted to invite grace into my life around the concept of healing. I believe becoming more graceful was my goal for 2019.

Lately, grace during healing has looked like acceptance. Grace has looked like releasing control. Grace has looked like allowing others to be who and where they are in life. Inviting grace into my own world has given me more peace and range to love. Everything is not a right or wrong - black or white. Once you see people, the world, emotions and situations on a spectrum, ; it allows you to look at the big picture. The big picture is wanting happiness, freedom, serenity. So, a good thing to ask yourself in the midst of decision making is “Am I handling this in the most graceful way?”.

Grace is not being a pushover and allowing people and life to swallow you up. Grace is handling situations in a calm, assertive and informed state of mind. Grace is allowing your best self to manage your life instead of your resentful hyperactive self. Operating from a place of godliness will invite that same energy into your perspective, especially during difficult times.

So always - in the back of my mind ; the question is “Am I handling this with grace?”