Summertime in my family is really busy with birthdays. It seems like a majority of my immediate family have birthdays in June and July. This means we are always celebrating and the weekends are so full at that time. I decided to give Phoenix an experience instead of a party this year.

I was able to find an airbnb, situated on 13 acres, with gorgeous, friendly animals on the property. Phoenix is really into farm animals! From a young age, he has always been curious about cows and horses. Last summer, we took him to a private farm and he was too afraid to enjoy the moment. This year he was all in. As I said in my last post, I really enjoy trips that are nature based. Leisurely living is a real vacation - a chance to clear your mind. We stayed for two days and I could’ve easily stayed two more.

Aside from interacting with the animals and relaxing we did things around the small town. We visited the local grocery store and got some necessities. I enjoy treating myself at local grocery stores. I splurge on things I wouldn’t buy back at home. Like, seven dollar vegan ice cream or a fancy honey for my tea. We also checked out the popular eats, and the local thrift stores for souvenirs to take home.

Phoenix was enthralled by the animals and wanted to be near them all the time. It was pretty amazing to wake up and see horses snacking on grass right outside the window. These animals were not shy and neither was the property dog. It rained hard while we were there which was refreshing. I think trips as gifts are my new thing.

Phoenix’s favorite gift has become a scooter my mom got him! He wants to ride it 24-7. Phoenix’s four year old energy followed pretty quickly after his birthday. His appetite grew, his vocabulary did as well. His friendly and outgoing personality is showing itself more. He is an amazing swimmer and still attending swim classes once a week. He is looking forward to the new school year, and I have been thinking of enrolling him into soccer. He has also been asking for a cat or dog. Plenty of changes to come - but what’s new? Thank you to everyone who sent him warm birthday wishes - we felt them.