If you find yourself pondering on your future and visualizing your dream life, there’s a question you should ask yourself. Would you be equipped if what you desired presented itself today? If you’re longing for a certain experience - are you ready for it? Are you devoted? I find it amusing how much time is spent on imagining how life could be with this career or this person or with this house - when the steps to sustain said opportunities haven’t been explored. It’s easy to romanticize the results and not the process. The action can start now, and the sooner it does - the closer we are to our ideal lifestyle.

When I imagine my dream life, I imagine having a small two or three bedroom home. I’d like to be in a neighborhood where I can walk my son to school. I don’t want to be in the suburbs - I’d like to be in an older established neighborhood in the middle of the city. One of those quaint neighborhoods that are festive and diverse. I would like to have one of those ginormous netted trampolines in the backyard and a small garden. I would like for my guest bedroom to double as a writing space with a desk and all of my inspirational notes on display. I see colorful drinking glasses in a transparent cupboard where all of my dining pieces are visible. I’d like to have musical instruments throughout the home for my son to play and practice with.

In my dream life, I see myself walking my dog or dogs on the weekends to a nearby coffee shop. I can already hear city chatter and people driving by with their music loud. I see my son picking out his favorite pastry once we make it to the cafe. I visualize a positive and peaceful environment for us. A lifestyle filled with ease and activity. I can visualize me having friends that are mothers whose sons play on the same sports team as Phoenix or whatever his activity of choice is at the time. At this stage of life, I crave some grounding. I’ve moved a lot in the last ten years of my life. I’m ready to be in one spot and collect a bunch of unnecessary shit in all the closets. I’m ready to host wine drunken dinners twice a month with close friends and family who genuinely care for me.

I desire a romantic love that is consistent and dreamy. People put a lot of limits on love, and I realize this is because they’ve never experienced the magic that love can bring. In my experience, love and relationships have offered more than heart break. Love has offered joy, and laughter. Love has offered togetherness as family and friends merge. Love has given me a beautiful child who brings compassion, responsibility and growth into my reality. Love has shown me how simply you can live when you share life with someone who has a similar vision as you. In my dream life my person loves me in ways I didn’t know I needed. My person prioritizes the health of our family and children. In my dreams, my person values time spent together and makes it a point to create time for that. In my dreams, my person allows me to flourish as an individual and uplifts me along the way. I see morning conversations on our porch. I can see sharing home design projects. I see all of the other gorgeous things like dancing together in the living room and decorating our home together on holidays.

In my dream life, I’d like to regularly take my mother on vacations and frequent lunches. I’d like for my son to spend time with his cousins like I did as a child. I would like to have family gatherings and sleepovers for the kids at my house. I’d like to have a career that gives me the luxury of making a difference in peoples lives, while having plenty of time for my own life and plans without stress and friction. I remember when financial stability was the dream - now emotional and mental stability are the dreams! I am manifesting a yoga studio nearby that I love where there are other black girls in eye sight. I would also like to have a book club or some type of writing group that I meet with regularly.

I could go on forever about my dream life because it’s what I fantasize about in my idle time. I do think that I am taking the steps to create this reality for myself little by little. Step one would be to finish grad school and secure a career in my hometown. As I move closer and closer to the finish line, I am keeping my dream in mind. I encourage you to think about your own dream life and how you want your future to unfold. I want you to use your senses when you’re planning your future. Imagine what it will taste like..smell like. I tried really hard not to use the m word as I wrote this (manifestation). I understand how cliche and boring the concept is in todays modern journal reads. But to imagine something you hope for in great detail IS truly birthing a phenomenon in your life.

I think it is important to know that at any point your plan can be disrupted. You can be totally caught off guard and redirected in the most beautiful way. You could end up in a different state or career than you thought you would. SO it is important to be open minded. When I look at some of the blessings I’ve acquired and am currently experiencing - I realize that maybe I wasn’t dreaming big enough in the past. I’ve shared an image of me when I was a little girl. I’ve been OBSESSED with digging up my past and learning more about my childhood in relation to who I am today. At the end of the day, I just want to make THAT little girls dreams come true. I think I’m about 6 in this photo which is the same age my son will be this summer. It feels good to write again - summer is where my practice REALLY picks up. I appreciate all of you who stay no matter how long it takes for me to return.

xxx CJ