I am manifesting many things for my summer. Making the most use of my time is important to me this year. I also feel that I know the value of a real “free” summer now that I have the hang of teaching. Every summer before this one felt like me just catching my breath from the school year ending. This year, things ended peacefully and in a more organized way. I did my grading ahead of time and began to pack my classroom up early so I wouldn’t have to scramble around last minute. I even had a spa day toward the end of the school year as a nice treat to myself. One thing I will say about being an educator is that it gets easier and easier as the years pass. This fall will be my fourth school year!

This summer I hope to have somewhat of a transformation. My excuse for neglecting some of my personal responsibilities is “time” and not having enough of it. Now, I have all the time in the world - so I’m challenging myself to see what I’ll do with it. I hope to teach Phoenix how to write his name and be more hands on with his learning. I always dreamt of the opportunity and energy to homeschool him - and summer really is my chance. I hope to do many activities with him - such as visiting the zoo and taking nature walks together. He turns 5 this summer and he understands so much more about the world.

I also wish to incorporate healthy habits into my life again. I’ve always been relatively healthy - but i want to take things up a notch. I want to be one of those women who look and feel vibrant in their 50s. I know that my habits now will contribute to what my wellness looks like then. Of course I want to look beautiful but more importantly - I want to feel good inside. Staying active and learning more about my body will take the front seat this summer and I’m pretty excited about my evolution. I hope to gain more focus and energy moving into the fall months.

Late summer, I will be releasing something very special to me that has been a work in progress for about a year. I have many emotions surrounding this moment in my life and it is a lot to process on a daily basis. I’ve had to make a lot of important decisions and also be still so that I can hear myself. I have invested a lot of money and time into this project. While I am excited to share it with the world, I also am combating a lot of fear as well (which I think is normal as an artist).

There’s a lot of mental/emotional work to be done. One thing I need to work on is leaving the past in the past. Sometimes, I can be quite reflective of moments that don’t even matter anymore. I still analyze them and try to make sense of them even though these moments are not alive. I think my brain tries to use the past to make sense of the present moment, but life does not work like that. I also need to work on not allowing heavy emotions to effect my productivity.

I am grateful for June/July. This is the time for me to really get my shit together and organize my spirit. I wish everyone got this kind of time to pause and regroup. I won’t let it go to waste. What are some things you look forward to initiating this summer? Please enjoy these pictures of my best friend Lauren and I having a girls day together a couple weeks ago.