I am days into the new year and still reflecting so much on 2022. Last year was a year of major transformation. It was my “me” year. The year where I prioritized myself more than anything else. I see how my choices shaped me into a new person with a whole new perspective. This thought propels me to actualize my current desires. I saw growth in myself last year that I haven’t seen since 2019. That was the last year I evolved so much that it was unbelievable. Breaking down my shifts month by month are what brings the healing and positive adjustments to the forefront.

January: Last January started off melancholy. My New Year’s Eve was emotional, but I still made the best of it. I was in some sort of rut filled with a mixture of uncertainty and fear. I could feel change coming soon and decided to welcome it regardless of how I felt. I spent some time at home with family in Houston, but the month itself was pretty hazy. I felt like I was “auto piloting” through every day.

February: Things began to shift by the second month of the year. I began to take real responsibility for my happiness. Realizing just how independent you must be in times of growth really got to me. Regardless of the presence of your family and immediate friends - doing “the work” can get so lonely. It wasn’t until this solitude was embraced that I was able to climb out of pessimism. Learning that I alone - was enough to maintain my pleasure was the key to expansion. I was on my way out of sad girl season and tapping into the best parts of my existence. The highlight of February was the birthday party I hosted at my house for my best friend, Lauren. I also had a birthday myself. Some aspects of no longer being 30 and coming into age 31 motivated me to be more accepting of life. I realized that I needed to find peace even in the midst of life’s turbulence.

March: This was such an amazing month for me. I took a trip to Miami with my good friend Rose and it was everything I needed. She was the perfect person to travel with and our trip was flawless. My confidence and sense of self skyrocketed in March because I was open to fun and socializing again -in a way like never before. I was intentional about getting out and making time to really live. I went home in March and met up with new and old friends. I went out dancing and spent a lot of time trying to teach Phoenix how to ride his bike. I was finding joy in being alive again - finding joy in all the details. This is also when I began to prioritize the beauty side of things keeping my hair and nails done at all times. I was getting weekly pedicures when my feet hurt after work and saying “hell yes” to whatever made me happy. March was also the start of the physical production of my book “Wildflower”.

April: The spring was absolutely beautiful. My nails were blue in April, which is a color I’d rarely select. I was still traveling so much and taking advantage of any time off. Phoenix and I went to the park a lot. One day in particular we went to the arboretum and I remember his frustration with not being able to catch the butterflies in his hands. I became a really rebellious person in April and did things the old me would never do. In April, I let people help me and love me. I no longer felt the need to be hyper responsible or in control of all things. By this time, I was knee deep in production of my book which took up a lot of my energy.

May: The best part of May this year was spending mothers day with my mom. This was the first mothers day in a while where it was just us two. We road tripped to Austin on a sunny day. We ate, we shopped, and we laughed together. To celebrate my 5th mothers day with my mom was so special. I felt like I had earned my mom stripes and she spoiled me rotten. I felt recognized and appreciated. When I was at her house the other day - I saw the plant I gave her for mothers day flourishing in her entryway.

In May, I danced and had so much fun at a Casa Bloom party with my friend Ashley. She is someone who I’ve been spending time with this year. This is a new beautiful friendship that I am so grateful for. She is always present and fun. I love friendships that are warm and easy.

I had the photoshoot for my book release, and prepared to say goodbye to my students for the summer. One day in May, I took off work and had a self care day. I started with yoga, then a nice relaxing shower. I then followed with a massage and hair appointment all while Phoenix was at school. This was also the month he graduated Pre-K!

June: This year Phoenix went to summer camp and left me with much needed free time. I got serious about working out. I worked out almost every single day. I would use the Nike run app to record my daily walks/runs. This helped me mentally organize so many loose thoughts and improved my focus.

I held copies of my book for the first time in June. We swam a lot at my moms house, and I visited with family again in Houston. My dad took me to the shooting range. I also traveled to Austin which was an interesting time. Being in nature with people I love always creates beautiful memories. I’d say the month of June was all about obsession with physical training and finishing the remaining work on my book.

July: My son had his 5th birthday. This was surreal for me. He had a chill birthday at the waterpark with his Dad and I. I remember wishing his party was cooler and more explosive. I did karaoke for the first time this July. It was exhilarating! I sang “Call Tyrone” by Erykah Badu. I went to Phoenix’s summer school and read to his class a couple times in July. This made me feel like a real parent!! I spent the end of July shooting and prepping for the release of “Wildflower” which was very stressful and expensive - yet rewarding in the end.

August: I cried like a baby on Phoenix’s first day of Kindergarten. It just felt different. In general, I am not a dramatic mom who cries at every milestone. I love watching Phoenix grow older and look forward to exploring his mind through thoughtful conversation in his teens. I jumped back into work and spent a lot of time packing and shipping book orders. This was also my first time teaching seniors in high school, as I taught juniors the previous year. I also spent a majority of August eating clean and preparing for a family vacation. Mid year was highly stressful but relief was around the corner.

September: In September I took a family trip to HAWAII. It was absolutely beautiful. The scenery and the time away from daily routine was beyond fruitful. I was proud of myself for making that happen and being able to financially provide that experience for my son. I also returned to Miami in September, making travel a big aspect of my month. I really craved the sun and the beach. It was hard for me to let go of summer this year. I was exercising my time and freedom a lot in September while ridding myself of a scarcity mindset. I was dedicated to living my dream life while also finding balance to maintain responsibilities.

October: SOCCER MOM STATUS. In October Phoenix wrapped up his soccer season. Although it wasn’t his favorite, it was nice to have a new shared dedication. It brought our family happiness seeing him try something new. His art teachers son was also on the team. At each practice I liked observing the different family structures of all the little players. By the end there was a cute little bond between the parents after all the exhausting, chaotic after school practices. Homecoming at my high school was adorable. Seeing my students in their school spirit costumes as seniors was beautiful. Halloween was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed trick or treating with Phoenix. He was a dinosaur. I also collaborated on a newspaper with my good friend Jakian about the history and awareness of black cowboys. I loved exercising my creativity in that way. October was beautiful.

November: My November began in New Orleans which was a dream. I had a really beautiful dinner with my mom and stepdad in November. They came into town and took me out and I appreciated it so much. Thanksgiving was a little somber, but I did cook an entire thanksgiving dinner on my own for the second time. It makes me proud to know I’m capable of hosting a dinner if I choose to. Next year, I will cook a non thanksgiving meal. I realized this year that I can be a little more unique in my approach to Thanksgiving. I did a lot of nesting in November, spending money on my home and making small upgrades in each room.

December: Probably the most beautiful and fun filled month ever. After having a Thanksgiving that was pretty lackluster, I was determined to make sure Christmas was everything and more. I ordered a 7 foot tree and it was beautiful. The first weekend of December was spent in Miami for Art Basel. Art Basel showed me the many ways I can expand as a writer. I felt inspired and came home with a lot of new ideas. I tried a new hairstyle for the first time, which I rarely do. I keep the same four hairstyles in rotation. That small change made a big difference and allowed me to see myself in a new light.

The second weekend of December I went to Austin and had the most amazing museum experience. I relaxed and rested in the cutest airbnb. The third week school was out for the remainder of the month and I spent that time really treating Phoenix and I to everything we desired. We were able to go to Houston and spend time with family. We shopped and ate a lot. Christmas Day was absolutely beautiful and fulfilling. December was the fullest month I’ve ever experienced. My new year was perfect, kind of like how it is in movies. It felt effortless and I was surrounded by people I love.

The major reoccurring themes in 2022 were travel, spontaneity, and self care (hair, nails, spa, physical health). I really took the time to just enjoy myself in all of the ways possible.

Lessons learned: Time is also an investment. Work smarter, not harder. Let people help you. Ask for help. Let people love you. Spend on quality/investments. Feel your feelings and then let them pass. Book the flight. Book the flight. Book the flight. Book the flight. Get nails/hair done as a pick me up. Being a mother is a blessing. Isolation is not healing. Let people grow at their own rate.

How were your months last year? Reflect with me.