Every previous year I’ve rushed into a new routine for myself. The newness of the year brought a desire to make sudden positive changes. This time, I didn’t commit to any dramatic transitions. I just let myself be. I continued the commitments created in the last six months. I think who I am today - is finally enough. I released the rigidness that the new year often brings catapulting us into impractical beliefs. Sudden forced change can disrupt our natural flow. The reality is that there isn’t much difference between the last day of the year and the 24 hours following into the new year.

Something that feels more authentic that I began was to create one or two achievable goals for myself monthly. Things that capitalize on what my reality is at this moment. Actions that are within my reach, but will also make me better. The intentions were to attend yoga four times, and get into my masters program by the deadline. So far - as of the 24th, I am in the program AND have been to yoga three times. My intention for next month are to help Phoenix write his name in a more legible state.

Changing the goals each month allows for all kinds of purpose to actualize itself. Perhaps all of the drastic changes I’ve made in the last few years have gotten me to a point where I don’t have to be so climactic. I like who I am and I think I am finally in my rhythm. This is a beautiful place to be which I think comes with your ‘30s’. This has to be that “peace” everyone was referring to that shows itself once you reach thirties. I understand my mission. I’ve made peace with it - the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects. I know all things wont go my way - but I still hold space for what will.

January has been enjoyable. I went home recently and visited with friends and family which filled my cup. I also got the opportunity to go to an art show which was really beautiful. I wanted to share a few images from that time in space. I am recognizing the value in how important it is to go home and be around my loved ones - especially in the colder months where I experience loneliness or boredom.

How are you feeling about the new year?